You now have the opportunity to experience sb_construct_13 in s&box! Although it’s still a work in progress, you can now try it out and see what it’s all about.
map pcjr.sb_construct_13
There are 5 posts tagged source2 (this is page 1 of 1).
I began crafting a map for the Crazy Eights gamemode titled “The Poolrooms” about a week ago. It’s a serene, uncomplicated liminal space-inspired map. I want to share some images of my progress with you – the first three are slightly older shots.
As part of my map-making process, I designed several planetary skins to use on “The Poolrooms” map. However, I only ended up utilizing the ones for Mars and Venus.
Without further ado, I present to you the latest snapshots of “The Poolrooms” map in its current state!
For those who have access to s&box, I highly recommend testing out the “Crazy Eights” gamemode and selecting pcjr.poolrooms. Alternatively, you can simply type “map pcjr.poolrooms” in the console to jump right into the map. If you’re interested in checking out the submission, you can find it here:
Ok, after a while, of slow work I’ve published a new update to my gm_construct map!
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